Synplicity Users

Synplicity: Mandatory Licensing Change

On December 7, 2009 all on-support networked licenses for Synplicity products have been reissued for the combined vendor daemon (cvd) format. Any keys you receive from Synopsys on or after this date will require you to migrate to Synopsys Common Licensing 11.1 since cvd-format keys are not compatible with the synplctyd daemon.

Note: Uncounted node-locked ("serverless") licenses do not require installation of Synopsys Common Licensing. Your existing setup will continue to work without any changes.

SCL 11.1 is based on Flexera Software FLEXnet technology and includes the snpslmd vendor daemon, which will enable all of your Synplicity and Synopsys products. However, SCL 11.1 does not include or require the legacy synplctyd vendor daemon.

When you move to new cvd-format keys, issued on or after December 7, 2009, you will be required to

1.     Download Synopsys Common Licensing version 11.1. SCL 11.1 is based on FLEXnet 11.6.1.x.

Synopsys Common Licensing may be downloaded at the SolvNet Download Center. For Windows, download just a single .exe file. For Linux and Unix, download the "common" file and the OS "platform" file.

2.     Install SCL using the Synopsys Installer, which is a separate download. (The Synopsys Installer is not required for Windows OS servers.)

3.     Verify the new license file with the SCL sssverify tool. For example,

     % cd scl_root/linux/bin
     % ./sssverify scl_root/admin/license/synopsys.lic

If the verification passes, proceed to the next step. If the verification fails, obtain a new copy of your production license file from SmartKeys at

4.     Using an ASCII text editor such as vi, modify the cvd-format license file so that the SERVER line points to the desired TCP port. Also, modify the VENDOR line to point to snpslmd.

Note: Synopsys license files are issued for port 27000; however, if desired, this can be changed. In the example below, the port is changed from 27000 to 1709:

     SERVER myserver 9876543210AB 1709     VENDOR snpslmd /synopsys/scl/11.1/linux/bin/snpslmd

5.     Shut down the synplctyd daemon using lmdown (UNIX) or lmtools (Windows).

This might affect running jobs, so plan accordingly.

6.     Start SCL / snpslmd using lmgrd or lmtools. For example,

     % cd scl_root/linux/bin
     % ./lmgrd -c scl_root/admin/license/synopsys.lic -l scl_root/admin/logs/synopsys.log -reuseaddr

7.     Wait 3-5 minutes. View the debug logfile ("synopsys.log") to make sure there are no errors.

8.     For each Synplicity client, modify SYNPLCTYD_LICENSE_FILE or LM_LICENSE_FILE to point to the Synopsys SCL server in port@host format. For example,

     % setenv SYNPLCTYD_LICENSE_FILE 1709@myserver -OR-
     % setenv SYNPLCTYD_LICENSE_FILE 27000@myserver

For other Synopsys client software, set the SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE variable.

Note: Synplicity tools do not use the SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable until the 2009.12 tool releases.


SCL 11.1 will support the same license server platforms as the Synplicity license daemon. However, please note

  • Solaris 8 and Red Had Enterprise Linux 3 support will be discontinued in June 2010.
  • On Linux, if you have a dongle, please install only the 32-bit version of SCL. You can run 32-bit software on a 64-bit operating system.
  • On Solaris platforms, install only the 32-bit version of SCL ("sparcOS5" platform). Only the 32-bit version of SCL supports all Synplicity products.

For SCL 11.1 supported OS/platform information see the list here.

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