TCAD Seminar 2024

Join our TCAD Seminar to learn about the application of Synopsys TCAD solutions to accelerate the research, development, and optimization of semiconductor technologies. The seminar tracks cover all major semiconductor technologies including:

  • Invited Talks from Industry TCAD Experts
  • Industry Trends and TCAD Updates
  • Technical Sessions on:
    • DTCO
    • Cost Explorer
    • Calibration
    • TCAD for Manufacturing
    • Atomistic Materials
  • Q&A


Who Should Attend?

TCAD engineers, technology development engineers, DTCO technologists, device and process engineers and managers who work in technology development and want to learn the latest techniques for using Synopsys TCAD products. 

Register Now

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What You Will Learn

The purpose of this seminar is to communicate the latest enhancements in the Synopsys’ TCAD products and their application to the development of state-of-the-art semiconductor technologies. Our aim is to equip attendees with practical techniques to explore new device concepts and to optimize processes to improve device performance and manufacturability. Key topics include solution oriented TCAD simulation flows, materials modeling, calibration methodologies, TCAD for manufacturing, and DTCO of logic, memory, RF, and power electronics.



Agenda is subject to modification

Time Duration
Session Contents Speakers
13:00~13:05 5 #1 Opening Nihon Synopsys / Mr. Tomoyuki Kawarai - Sales, Vice President ​
13:05~13:35 30 #2 Semiconductor WW Market and Business Trend Synopsys / Mr. Pankaj Aggarwal - Applications Engineering, Executive Director
13:35~14:05 30 #3 W-2024.09 TCAD Updates Synopsys / Ms. Shela Aboud - Product Management, Principal
14:05~14:15 10 Break    
14:15~14:45 30 #4 Development of a MOS Channel Mobility Model for Enhanced Performance in SiC MOSFETs Toyama Prefectural University / Mr. Tetsuo Hatakeyama - Professor
14:45~15:15 30 #5 Simulation analysis of the new voltage tail phenomena of the IGBTs and demonstration of the proposed D-CSL structure Renesas Electronics / Mr. Katsumi Eikyu
15:15~15:45 30 #6 Improvement of the RON-BV trade-off in field-plate MOSFETs by Localized fixed charges in the trench oxide Toshiba / Mr. Taichi Fukuda
15:45~16:05 20 Coffee Break    
16:05~16:35 30 #7 Technical Trends of Mixed Performance Power Semiconductor Device Package and Modeling for Next Generation xEV Nagoya University / Mr. Masayoshi Yamamoto - Professor
16:35~17:05 30 #8 Durable edge termination design of SiC device against humidity Mitsubishi Electric / Mr. Kohei Ebihara
17:05~17:35 30 #9 Power DTCO Update Synopsys / Mr. Ricardo Borges - Applications Engineering, Sr Director​
17:35~17:45 10   Move to Banquet  
17:45~19:00 75   Banquet  

Time  Duration  Topics Details  Speakers
9:00~9:30  15 mins  Welcome 
  • Corporate update
Synopsys Executive
15 mins  TCAD Overview 
  • Overview of Industry and TCAD trends 
    TCAD Updates 
Ms. Shela Aboud
Product Management, Principal (Synopsys)
9:30~10:30 60 mins Materials Modeling and Simulation
  • Materials, Device, Process 
  • New Examples Highlights on: 
    • Logic: GAA nanosheet band alignment using advanced ab-initio methods  
    • FE-NAND: Aluminium dopants in HfO2 affect polarization model parameters. 
    • 3D-NAND: Defects and trap levels in amorphous an polycrystalline silicon 
    • Device: Thermal conductivities in thin-film stacks using machine-learned force fields 
    • Process: Atomistic modelling of chlorine plasma assisted ALE of MoS2 
    • Process: Atomistic modelling of MoS2 etch via physical sputtering with Ne/Ar/Xe ions 
Mr. Tue Gunst
Applications Engineering (Synopsys)
10:30~11:00  30 mins  Invited Talk 
  • Building Chip Level Hot Spot Module for the stress migration with FEM and Machine Learning​
Dr. Minjae Hur
Technical Leader
(SK Hynix)
11:00~12:00  60 mins  Calibration  
  • Calibration workflow for CMOS and advanced logic 
  • TEM/SEM metrology analysis in SCW (A-Image) 
  • HAR surrogate model. Workflow to generate HAR etch ML model in Sentaurus Calibration Workbench (SCW). ML Api for custom model integration in SCW 
  • IGBT ML process optimization example (updated version with GUI) 

Mr. Chan-Su Yun
R&D Engineering, Principal Engineer
12:00~13:00  60 mins  Lunch    
13:00~13:30  30 mins  Invited Talk
  • Utilization of Multi-X simulation for semiconductor development
Dr. Seungmin Lee - Principal Engineer
13:30~14:30  60 mins  TCAD for Manufacturing 
  • Emulation for process integration and margin analysis for systematic, stochastic, and multivariate process variations 
  • Physics-based unit process modeling for high-aspect-ratio etch and deposition module optimization 
  • ML/AI models for process engineers 
Mr. Xi-Wei Lin 
Applications Engineering, Executive Director
14:30~15:30  60 mins  Design Technology Co-optimization (DTCO) Flow 
  • Technology trends in advanced logic, memory, and power semiconductor 
  • Logic: Exploration for logic technology options, such as CFET, BSPDN, and 3DIC, in terms of PPA, thermal, and stress 
  • Memory: Pathfinding for DRAM scaling options, such as 4F2 and 3D stacking, in terms of process architecture and device properties, such as floating body effect, retention, and row hammer 
  • Power: Recent advances in power DTCO for Si, SiC, and GaN simulations from TCAD to circuit. 
Mr. Xi-Wei Lin 
Applications Engineering, Executive Director
15:30~17:30  120mins  Q&A + Social Event    

Time  Duration  Topics Details  Speakers
9:00~9:30  15 mins  Welcome 
  • Corporate update 
Synopsys Executive
15 mins 

TCAD Overview 

  • Overview of Industry and TCAD trends 
  • TCAD Updates 
Ms. Shela Aboud
Product Management, Principal (Synopsys)
9:30~10:00 30 mins Invited Talk
  • Simulation study of 3D memory characteristics encompassing TCAD and Ab Initio calculation 
Dr. Wei-Chen Chen
Project Department Manager (Macronix)
10:00~11:00  60 mins  Materials Modeling and Simulation
  • Materials, Device, Process 
  • New Examples Highlights on: 
    • Logic: GAA nanosheet band alignment using advanced ab-initio methods  
    • FE-NAND: Aluminium dopants in HfO2 affect polarization model parameters. 
    • 3D-NAND: Defects and trap levels in amorphous an polycrystalline silicon 
    • Device: Thermal conductivities in thin-film stacks using machine-learned force fields 
    • Process: Atomistic modelling of chlorine plasma assisted ALE of MoS2 
    • Process: Atomistic modelling of MoS2 etch via physical sputtering with Ne/Ar/Xe ions 
Mr. Tue Gunst
Applications Engineering, Staff Engineer​ 
11:00~12:00  60 mins 
  • Calibration  
  • Calibration workflow for CMOS and advanced logic 
  • TEM/SEM metrology analysis in SCW (A-Image) 
  • HAR surrogate model. Workflow to generate HAR etch ML model in Sentaurus Calibration Workbench (SCW). ML Api for custom model integration in SCW 
  • IGBT ML process optimization example (updated version with GUI) 
Mr. Morgan Chou
Application Engineering, Principal Engineer​(Synopsys)
12:00~13:30  90 mins  Lunch    
13:30~14:30  60 mins  TCAD for Manufacturing
  • Emulation for process integration and margin analysis for systematic, stochastic, and multivariate process variations 
  • Physics-based unit process modeling for high-aspect-ratio etch and deposition module optimization 
  • ML/AI models for process engineers
Mr. Xi-Wei Lin
Applications Engineering, Executive Director
14:30~15:30  60 mins  Design Technology Co-optimization (DTCO) Flow 
  • Technology trends in advanced logic, memory, and power semiconductor 
  • Logic: Exploration for logic technology options, such as CFET, BSPDN, and 3DIC, in terms of PPA, thermal, and stress 
  • Memory: Pathfinding for DRAM scaling options, such as 4F2 and 3D stacking, in terms of process architecture and device properties, such as floating body effect, retention, and row hammer 
  • Power: Recent advances in power DTCO for Si, SiC, and GaN simulations from TCAD to circuit. 
Mr. Xi-Wei Lin
Applications Engineering, Executive Director
15:30~16:30  60mins  Q&A + Social Event